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​Who We Are

Troop 1206 is chartered by the American Legion Post 2.  Troop 1206 has been providing scouting the the youth of the Helena Valley since 1975.  We meet on most Tuesday evenings at Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church from 7:00pm to 8:30 pm, and are happy to welcome new members and visitors at any of our meetings.


Troop 1206 is a service minded Troop and the only Troop in the Prickly Pear District to be a Messenger of Peace Troop.  Some of our recent service projects are;  Spring trash pick up along Custer Ave., Placing flags on our veterans graves for Memorial Day, Book Drive to provide books to children who may not be able to afford to buy their own,  Maintaining duck boxes and blue bird houses. 

If you have ever visited Sierra Park you have enjoyed the work of several of past Eagle Scouts.  Eagle Scouts from Troop 1206 in 2002  designed, built and installed the Sierra Park entranceway, designed and installed the Lifelong Fitness Stations in the park, installed all the landscaping around the park, and repaired and refurbished all the picnic areas in the park.

Another one of our Eagle scouts worked with Carroll College and completed the landscaping of Carroll College Founder’s Corner.

​What We Offer

We are a small troop, emphasizing a wide range of activities for both younger and older Scouts. We have an active outdoor program with at least one major outdoor activity scheduled each month. Each summer we schedule a week long scouting trip to eather a summer camp, or a high adventure trip.  We cycle through a number of camps to provide variety for our Scouts. For our traditional camp experience, in recent years we've attended K-M Scout Ranch,  Melita Island and Camp Easton in Idaho .


We are a Messengers of Peace Troop.  Messengers of Peace is an initiative of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (which the BSA is a member).  The World Scout Committee designed the initiative to promote and recognize service projects that contribute to world peace.

Our Troop is and International Troop and participate in several International events through our the year.  We participate in the Jamboree on the Trail, Jamboree on the Internet and the Hands Across the Border event with Canadan boy and Girl scouts and guides. 



International Scouts Trash The Trash Day


In 2015 Our Troop created "Scouts Trash The Trash Day".


Scouts Trash the Trash Day is an international Messengers of Peace project for Scouts around the world, where each Scout is challenged to bring a friend or family member along and pick up at least one Kilo (2.2 pounds) of trash each on the first Saturday in May.


The idea for Scouts Trash the Trash Day came from the scouts of Troop 1206 in Helena, Montana after realizing that there are several days throughout the year that Scouts get together and do the same thing on the same day. Days like Jamboree on the Air and Internet, Jamboree on the Trail, Trees for the World, World Neckerchief Day, but there was not a day for Scouts to all get together and clean up their communities. Thus Scouts Trash the Trash Day was started. Scouts are asked to bring a non-scout with them on this day of service in order to double the impact of their trash cleaning effort.


Scouts Trash the Trash Day is about more than just cleaning our planet, it is a day to show the world what Scouting is about, educate individuals about Scouting and recruit new boys, girls and adults into the Scouting movement.

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